Friday, March 31, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thursday, March 30th and Friday, April 1st

Goals:  To assess your knowledge of comma splices, run-ons, and fragments. To read and analyze a story that complements "The Giver."


Go Formative
Read "The Children's Story" by James Clavell
Synectics Activity

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tueday, March 28th and Wednesday, March 29th

Good Morning!  Block Day


Write the following with your partner:  


The story "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury uses symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey the theme that________________________.


  With your partner, you will write a theme statement about the story.  Then you will choose one or more words from the tone list that describes the tone of the story.

In his short story, "The  Pedestrian", Ray Bradbury symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey a ___________tone about a futuristic society.

Get with our assigned partner and begin working on our VOKI presentation Only ONE of you will log in, but you will create the presentation together
Look on the board to see what to put on each slide in your presentation.
Log in to and begin working on your
 project with your assigned project partner


We will have an assessment on Thursday/Friday. It will be on sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences

Practice here
 1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 191880  , and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Monday, March 27th

Good Morning!  Happy Monday!


Write the following with your partner:  


The story "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury uses symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey the theme that________________________.


  With your partner, you will write a theme statement about the story.  Then you will choose one or more words from the tone list that describes the tone of the story.

In his short story, "The  Pedestrian", Ray Bradbury symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey a ___________tone about a futuristic society.

Get with our assigned partner and begin working on our VOKI presentation Only ONE of you will log in, but you will create the presentation together
Look on the board to see what to put on each slide in your presentation.
Log in to and begin working on your
 project with your assigned project partner


We will have an assessment on Thursday/Friday. It will be on sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences

Practice here
 1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 191880  , and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thursday, March 23rd and Friday March 24th

Goals: To continue our analysis of "The Pedestrian" by SIFTing the story.


Meet in expert groups to find four best examples of your assigned job.

Meet in Jigsaw groups to gather two examples each of the other assigned jobs.

After meeting in all groups today, you will have your four best examples of your assigned job and two examples of each of the other jobs.  In other words, you will have a total of eight quotes.

Mrs. Karney will give you a partner.  With your partner, you will write a theme statement about the story.  Then you will choose one or more words from the tone list that describes the tone of the story.


The story "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury uses symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey the theme that________________________.


In his short story, "The  Pedestrian", Ray Bradbury symbolism, imagery, and figurative language to convey a ___________tone about a futuristic society.

Check this out!

Mrs Karney will then give you your log-in information for VOKI. We will spend some time "playing around" with the features.  Then, next week  you will create a presentation using VOKI.

Quizz.izz- we will review sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-ons playing this new interactive game!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tuesday, March 21st and Wednesday, March 22nd

Today we will read "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury!

We will focus on symbolism, imagery, figurative language, theme and tone and how they help convey the theme of the short story.

Text of the Story if Absent

The story takes place in 2053 but was written in 1951!

SIFT Powerpoint

Short video of the Short Story (just one person's interpretation)



Friday, March 17, 2017

Monday, March 20th

GOALS:  To continue to improve our writing and revision skills.



Copy the sentence seed below into your notebook.

The storm hit.

Add the details below to your sentence. Use proper punctuation. Don't forget that it must be  ONE sentence. NO comma splices.

  1. Specify the story or form of precipitation
  2. Identify the place where the storm occurred
  3. Tell when the storm took place
  4. Describe the damage done, casualties resulting, etc.

You can pretend you are a television or newspaper reporter and give the aftermath details of a recent storm in a particular city, town, state, etc.

REVISE THIS PARAGRAPH-You will need to make a copy first.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16th and Friday, March 17th

Goals: To continue to learn and apply strategies to improve our writing.


Active vs Passive Voice-Great Resource and Examples
Notes-Remember "by zombies"!
SAS Writing Reviser Lesson

Text #1

Text #2

We will be using SAS Writing Reviser.  We will open the SAS Writing Reviser Add-on and look at these two texts to learn more about active vs passive voice.  We will look at number 1 and the passive verbs. Then, we will look at the second number 2 for passive verbs.  Which is better? Why?

Now, you will open your Walter Mitty Story and begin using SAS Writing Reviser to revise for the following:

Consistent verb tense
Active voice
Run-on sentences, fragments, and comma splices

In order to receive credit, you will complete this sheet showing me what you revised.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday, March 14th and Wednesday, March 15th


Run-ons and Comma Splices
We will take notes on the video and play a few games to practice. You may have to play the HTML versions of these games.

Play this

and this

or this

run-on is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (i.e complete sentences) are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction for example: It is nearly half past five we cannot reach town before dark.

Sentence fragments are groups of words that look like sentences, but aren't. To be a sentence, groups of words need to have at least one independent clause. An independent clause is any group of words that contain both a subject and a verb and can stand on its own. For example, 'I like cheeseburgers' is an independent clause.

Sentence fragments never have independent clauses, but instead are dependent clauses or phrases. Fragments can masquerade as real sentences because they begin with a capital letter and end with a period. If you read them more closely, you'll see that fragments don't form a complete thought. A sentence fragment is a little like having only half of the pieces to a puzzle. Without all the pieces, you won't have the whole picture.

Examples and Revisions

Fragment Phrases

Phrases are groups of words that are missing a subject or verb, or both. Phrases can also masquerade as sentences, like dependent clauses can. Here are some examples.
Here's an example missing subject and verb:
From morning until night.
This fragment can be made a complete sentence by changing it to:
I worked from morning until night.
Adding 'I' as the subject and 'worked' as the verb corrects this fragment and makes it an independent clause and a complete thought.
Here's an example of a missing subject:
Start after the weekend.
This fragment can be made a complete sentence by changing it to:
Classes start after the weekend.
Adding the subject 'classes' corrects this fragment and makes it an independent clause and a complete thought.
Finally, here's an example of a missing verb:
Some girls in the class.
This fragment can be changed to:
Some girls in the class study together.
Adding the verb 'study' corrects this fragment and makes it an independent clause and a complete thought.

Newsela-Summary Writing
Read the Newsela article in your binder about YOLO. Complete the annotations and take the quiz.
Afterwards, you will complete a summary activity with a small group. I will pick your group.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Monday, March 13th

Happy Late Start Monday!

Goals: To show you how to revise your writing for consistent verb tense. 


Notes on consistent verb tense
We will watch a video and revise some sentences together
We will then play a Quizlet Live to Practice!

NO HOMEWORK! Enjoy your Family Night! Put away those cell phones and enjoy your family.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thursday, March 9th and Friday, March 10th

Happy Block Day!
Book Club Reflection Today we will sign up for SAS Curriculum Pathways and begin using this awesome resource!

Click here to create an account

COPY and PASTE this code for the optional code.  r3gp7o47
Our lesson today will be on how Mark Twain supports a topic sentence with details.  You will try your hand at it too!  The lesson quick code is 1458!

Celebration/Book Club Meeting

Google Form about Book Club

Monday, March 6, 2017

Tuesday, March 7th and Wednesday, March 8th

Tuesday I will be out at a meeting. Hopefully, I will learn some amazing things to share with you when I return.


Meet in book club-Sub will check your jobs on Tuesday.  

Meet with your group to finish your Zodiac/Character Assignment.Turn in!

Read the assigned Newsela article in your binder on wildfires. You MUST complete the annotations AS YOU READ.  Afterward, take the quiz.

Click here to sign up for Writing Reviser

CODE  r3gp7o47


Bring two discussion questions for next book club. Everyone must bring two questions We will also be having our CELEBRATION on our NEXT block day. Bring something to share (if you would like). Store-bought items only.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Monday, March 6th

Happy Monday!


Review extra credit opportunity.  I will explain the option for those of you reading Tom Sawyer.

Review directions for book club project.
'Work on projects.


Book club meets tomorrow. DO YOUR JOB. :) Celebration will be on block day either Thursday or Friday.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thursday, March 2nd and Friday, March 3rd


Book Club Activity-Character "Zodiac" project
You will choose three or more characters from your book ( I will tell your individual group how many).  On your poster you will write:
Character's Name
Sign you chose
Fill out this chart about why you chose the sign you chose to represent EACH  character. Therefore, you will have separate charts for EACH character.  I suggest TYPING these paragraphs and gluing them onto your poster.  Your poster should contain illustrations to go along with your writing.  
You will choose  from ONE of the below for your project.
Chinese Zodiac Signs
Native American Zodiac Signs
Celtic Tree Astrology Signs

Research/contact/tweet/email/learn about your author!


  • What motivated them to write the book?
  • What experiences (if any) influenced them to write the book?
  • What else have the written?
  • When did they start writing? How long did it take for them to get published?
  • Anything else!
Newsela-Claims and Evidence activity



Look at book club planning sheet. We only have a few more meetings. Our celebration is coming up!