Monday, January 30, 2017

Thursday, February 2nd and Friday, February 3rd

Happy Block Day! Today we will practicing how punctuation, as well as emulating good writing.  We will also plan out our readings for book club!  We will also work on a skill with Newsela.  


Here are the mentor sentences.  You may wish to make a COPY of the sentences and type your work directly on the document.  OR, you may write it on paper.  Write down everything YOU notice about each sentence.  You will then share these observations with your group.  Next, you will write our OWN, individual examples.


Meet with your book club group to plan out your readings.  
Make a copy of THIS document and share with ALL group members. It must be completely filled in. I will be printing a copy to hold each person accountable for what they signed up to do.  

Wednesday, February 1st


Goals: To review policies and procedures to ensure a successful second semester.  To join Google Classroom and get started with Newsela!


Go to and click on classroom to join my Google Classroom

Here are the join codes by period:

Period 1  h5ifv2v

Period 2  4d402c

Period 3  apzjy

We will then be learning to use Newsela! YOu will go to and SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE!    You will check your BINDER to find the article on fake news I assigned. We will practice annotations and taking the quiz.



Permission slip must be signed in order to get credit for any assignment related to book club.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January 27th and Friday, January 28th

Six Word Memoirs-We will post to our blog AND write them in sidewalk chalk in the quad area

KIDBLOG PERIOD 1  Post your six-word memoir here



Practice Paraphrasing with this Groovy Tool
We will read this article and practice paraphrasing with it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, January 23rd and Wednesday, January 24th

Goals: Finish movie and solidify our book club groups and book choices.


Finish movie
Google Slides for Book Clubs
Your group gets ONE slide.  On it include the following:
Group Name (be creative)
Book Title and Author (Book titles go in italics)
Group Members (FIRST names and Initial of Last Name)
Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Permission Slip
Peer Review of Six Word Memoir -Publish to Kidblog
Publish with sidewalk Chalk IF it's not raining

Paraphrasing Lesson-Mrs. Karney's Notes are HERE
Watch this Video and take notes


Get permission slip signed and bring first day of second semester. Click HERE for slip

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Monday, January 23rd

Happy Late Start Day!

Goal: Select our groups and books for book club next semester.


Check homework (three book titles and summaries)
Get in groups to share titles and summaries
Read reviews of several books
Vote on your choice
Let Mrs. Karney know your group and book choice


If you are NOT reading one of the board approved books, you MUST get a parent permission slip.  You may print it here OR they can respond to the email I send home with their answer.  

You must have your book IN class by the second class period of second semester.  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19th and Friday, January 20th

Goals: To assess knowledge of vocabulary words. To make a good decision choosing book club book.


Vocabulary assessment on Go Formative

Book Club Search-Mrs. Karney will show you the books that are board approved. You will then research possible books.

Begin Movie


On MONDAY, you must have a three to five titles and summaries of books you are interested in reading.  You may copy and paste these directly from the internet.  They must be on a Google doc or printed.  

Monday, January 16, 2017

Tuesday, January 17th and Wednesday, January 18th

Goals: To continue our work on our chunk paragraph get feedback from our peers before turning it in today.


Collect books
Continue working on our paragraphs step by step-Mrs. Karney will model each step and then you will work on your own. 
Writing Prompt and Prewriting Chart
Requirements with example from class 
Peer review on Google.  We will use the suggesting and commenting features.
Review peer feedback and make changes
Submit your work to . If not turned in today during class, it is due TONIGHT by 10PM

Begin book search for book club?  

Vocabulary quiz will be on our NEXT block day. All of the words and quizlet are posted on December 12th and 13th. Submit essay by  10PM if not submitted today in class.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday, January 12th and Friday, January 13th

Goals:  To practice using academic language in class discussions.  To have a meaningful discussion about The Outsiders which will allow us to write a detailed, well-supported paragraph.  To begin writing our paragraph about novel.


Review Academic Language Script (Practice with partner)

Socratic Seminar 
You will participate on the inside and outside of the circle. :)

Paragraph Prompt- Use the TWO CHUNK format

Essay Requirements

Work on paragraph


Study for vocab test.  Finish ROUGH draft of paragraph by NEXT class period

Monday, January 9, 2017

Tuesday, January 10th and Wednesday, January 11th

GOALS:  To finish our projects and prepare for Socratic seminar. Both of these will help us prepare for our final writing assignment on the novel.  


1)  Finish 12
2) Finish Greasers/Socs Project
3) What is a classic?  Take notes
4)  Prepare for Socratic Seminar by answering questions below

TAKE notes on these questions, as you may refer to them during our discussion.  

1) How does Ponyboy's view of the Socs evolve throughout the book? Cite specific examples.

2) Why do people hide their true selves? Cite specific examples.

3)  How are various groups/people stereotyped in the novel?  Cite specific examples.

4)  Why do you think The Outsiders is now considered a classic and is still read and enjoyed fifty years after it was first published?   Cite specific examples.

5)  Some people feel that The Outsiders should be banned and not read in schools.  Why might people feel this way?  Do you agree or disagree? Be prepared to defend your answer.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Monday, January 9th

Happy Late Start Monday!

Goals: To assess knowledge of subjects and predicates  Hopefully you'll do better this time. To finish the book, The Outsiders


Go to goformative and take the retake on subjects and predicates

Finish reading The Outsiders (chapter 12)

Study for Vocab Test.  It will be NEXT week on our last block day.  Remember that the words and quizlet are posted on December 12th/13th

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Thursday, January 5th and Friday, January 6th

Goals: To compare and contrasts Greasers and Socs using textual evidence. To review vocabulary and subjects and predicates.


Work on Socs vs Greasers poster
Grudgeball to review both vocabulary, subjects, and predicates