Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thursday and Friday, September 29th 30th

Goals: To apply our new knowledge about plot elements to a short story to create a plot diagram.  To analyze effect of various literary elements in a short story.  To begin preparing for our next writing assignment by gathering and analyzing evidence.

1) "Rikki-Tikki Tavi"

Watch this clip before reading the story:
Cobra vs Mongoose

Focus on these elements:


Also, identify character traits that make Rikki successful.

2) Plot Formative Assessment

3) Character Traits  Chart to prepare for writing assignment


Finish character trait chart and bring next class period. The story is available IN this blog OR you may ask to check out a book.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tuesday and Wednesday September 27th and 28th

Happy Block Day!

Goals:  To find evidence of and analyze how a writer creates suspense using various literary elements and techniques.  To build our vocabulary, and to become familiar with the elements of plot.  


1) Finish your partner poster on "Three Skeleton Key".

2) Quizlet for "Three Skeleton Key" vocabulary

3) Elements of Plot

I will be giving you this sheet to fill in as you watch the slideshow. 
cloze notes big-bad-wolf.png (463×431)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Monday, September 26th

Goals: to find and analyze  textual evidence that supports how the writer creates suspense for the reader.

Periods 1 and 2 finish story.

Partner Poster-"Three Skeleton Key"


Study vocab words from story. We will play a game on block day!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Thursday and Friday September 22nd and 23rd

Thank you so much for your work on our writing assessment!  

Goals: To expand our vocabularies by learning new words.  To practice using context clues.  To practice using close reading strategies.  To look at author's techniques and analyze the effect of these techniques.


1) Complete vocabulary activity before reading the story

"Three Skeleton Key" vocabulary sheet
2) RATS video clip

3) Listen to the story (I love the narrator's creepy voice). Mrs. Karney will be pausing to ask questions, clarify what is happening, ask questions, etc.

You can read it here

Text of "Three Skeleton Key"

We will focus on these terms/techniques:

suspense  (How does author create it?)
foreshadowing-Jaws clip

You can find a helpful handout of words to know here:

Plot Terms and literary techniques (You might want to print this out and keep in your notebook)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday, September 20th

Happy Tuesday!

Today we will be taking our direct writing assessment.  You will watch a video and read information from for different sources.

Here is a link to the video in case you want to watch it again!

Penny Video

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Monday, September 19th

Happy Fourth Week of School!

Goals: Practice editing our work for the best diction.  Build our writing community! Author a masterpiece.


1) Check homework-three memoirs = full credit NO late homework

2) Share our memoirs "Speed Dating" Style- Have your peers help you choose the most meaningful, powerful, appealing memoir.  Work with your table mates to edit your final choice for the best possible word choice. Remember all that we have learned about the connotation of words!

3) Publish your final draft on Google Slides.

  • Requirements:
thoughtful, original, good diction, error free, slide is visually appealing and background complements the memoir.

Period 1 Slide Show

Period 2 Slide Show

Period 3 Slide Show

Mentor Sentences - We will be using mentor sentences to analyze punctuation and grammar, as well as to look at models of good writing.

Click here to go to Socrative where we will share our amazing sentences and vote on our favorites


Bring your favorite writing tool tomorrow.  You will also need notebook paper-NOT the kind you rip out of a spiral notebook. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thursday and Friday, September 15th and 16th

We are half way through September! Make sure you are writing down your assignments in your agenda and checking your teacher's webpage/blog regularly.  Stay organized.  This will help you be successful. 

Goals:  Continue to focus on word choice and connotation and denotation. Demonstrate ability to use the perfect words to communicate an important idea.


1)Watch this clip to see how things can go wrong when you aren't careful using new words

2)Group activities

Look at a these lists of words and identify the overall denotation

Sorting words in order of positive to negative connotation.  I will give you the words to sort.

3) Six Word Memoirs   

Click here to watch examples of Six Word Memoirs

Step by Step Directions for Your Six Word Memoir


Bring THREE different rough drafts of six word memoirs.  They do not have to be colored or have pictures.  Written in a notebook is fine.  Remember, I do not accept late homework; this is homework!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 13th and 14th

Good Morning!  

Goals: Learn how to view comments, rubric, and grade on  Continue to learn about our classmates.  Assess understanding of two-chunk paragraph and terminology. To become aware of word choice/diction and how words can have both connotative and denotative meanings.


1) You will be taking your assessment on Goformative.  I want you to SIGN in using GOOGLE.  You do not need to create an account!  It's much easier.  
To LOG IN, Click here

The CLASS CODE for our assessment is 

You may wish to copy and paste the class code to make it easier. 

       Period 1  
Class Code:ETXG424

  Period 2- Class Code:VPTU624

  Period 3  Class Code:JUWC734

2) Look at feedback on turnitin for your two-chunk paragraph essay

3)  Finish presentations of classmates

What do you think of the word in red? 

4) Notes on diction, connotation, denotation

SlideShare I created for notes and practice

Friday, September 9, 2016

Monday, September 12

Good Morning!  I hope you enjoyed sleeping in this morning.

Goals: Become familiar with viewing feedback/rubric on Practice speaking skills and learn about classmates.


1) Watch as Mrs. Karney shows you how to view your comments and feedback on  View your own comments and feedback.

2) Practice your presentation.  I will use this rubric.

3)  Share your presentation with me.  I will need to show it on the big screen.

To do this:

To share a google doc, click on the blue button in the upper-right hand corner that says SHARE.  Type in my last name karney.  You will see my email pop up ( Click on it. Click done. 

4) Begin Presentations


Quiz on two-chunk paragraph tomorrow or Wednesday (depends on what period you have me)  Use the Quizlet game I created. The link is in my previous post.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thursday, September 8th and Friday, September 9th

Happy Thursday and Friday!

If you haven't set up a turn it in account, make an appointment with me for today at CAT. You will need an account to turn in your paper.  

Goals:  Continue practicing, becoming familiar with the two-chunk paragraph format.  Learn how to submit work digitally to  Learn how to use Google Slides


1) Finish your two-chunk paragraph on the person you interviewed. Make sure to include the NAME of the person you interviewed in your paragraph. The examples and rubric are in yesterday's post.

2)  Watch Mrs. Karney show you HOW to turn in your paper to  It's so easy!  

REMEMBER-User name for turnitin is the EMAIL you brought to class.  The password is LIKELY the same one you use to log in to the computers here at school.  A couple of you had to change it because it was too long.  

3)  Play a fun game  to help us prepare for our quiz on the two-chunk paragraph tomorrow.  It will be FUN.  Anything on the  game will likely be on our quiz. 

4) Begin working on Google Slide about the person you interviewed

  • font that can be easily seen
  • name of person (first and last)
  • five facts to share
  • picture to complement your information


Chunk paragraph quiz Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on when you have my class)-study all notes, handouts, examples, Here's a link to PRACTICE. Quizlet Practice for Quiz.

Two chunk paragraph is due TOMORROW night by 10PM.  Anything after that is considered late.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tuesday, and Wednesday September 6th and 7th

Happy second week of school!  I am looking forward to a great week.  Hopefully I can learn all of your names!

Become familiar with the two-chunk format.  Begin writing your paragraph and get assistance from me as needed. Sign up for technology we will be using this year. 


1) Sign up for Remind 101

3) Finish interviews
4) Take notes on two-chunk paragraph
Detailed Notes on Two-Chunk Paragraphs

5) Look at examples/rubrics of two-chunk paragraphs
Rubric and Examples for Two-Chunk Paragraph
6) Begin writing your paragraph


Get a good night's sleep.  Always bring your email/password for turnitin.
Quiz on two-chunk paragraph next TUESDAY (periods 1, 3) or Wednesday(period 2). Study notes, handout, and examples.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Block Day September 1 and 2

Welcome to day three!  Thanks for your patience the first few days.  You have been wonderful!

Goals: Finish assessing reading levels.  Familiarize students with classroom policies and procedures.
Get to know one another


1) Finish SRI test.  I will review a chart with you to show you where you fall.

2) Review classroom policies and procedures.  Give students a chance to ask questions.

3) Begin writing interview questions.  You will write a total of fifteen questions. You must ask WHY at the end of each question.  This will make it possible to have a conversation. We will finish interview questions tomorrow.

  • five questions about favorite things
Example:  What is your favorite subject and why?  What is your favorite movie and why?

  • five questions about least favorite things/dislikes  
Example:  What is your biggest phobia and why?  

  • five free questions
Example: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

4)Interview your partner

Get parents to sign digital form to the right of this blog.
Bring an email address.

Bring your interview questions to next class.